Category Archives: Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design of life

Intelligent Design of Life may be controversial assertion to people that have adopted a false theory from Darwin that is no longer supported by objectively thinking people, that understand the depth of rationally consistent logic. The first principles of logic defy such nonsense as the evolution of species, from random processes.

Digital high technologies are powerful tools to investigate the complexities of life at the biological levels. It has been seen and proven that life has intelligent design at the biological level. Biological machines that need intelligent design to pull off such intrinsic complex functions as they do when building proteins for the DNA helix.

In the 21st century, the information age has finally come to biology. We now know that biology at its root is comprised of information rich systems, such as the complex digital code encoded in DNA. Groundbreaking discoveries of the past decade are revealing the information bearing properties of biological systems.

Stephen Myer.

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